Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Our great nation declared it's independence from the British following increasing taxation without representation and the resulting frustration of the colonies.
The Declaration of Independence created the opportunity for the colonist to create a new, just country in which to live free and pursue happiness.
When our founding fathers set forth to pen the Constitution much blood, sweat and tears went into this, one of the greatest documents ever written by man.
For the authors knew this was not a trivial matter to be taken lightly, this document would impact generations to come and set the standards of liberty for all others in the world to follow and strive for.
I find it utterly repulsive how our government officials today have the opposite attitude of our forefathers and can sign into law bills which they have not even read and serve their political agendas instead of the peoples best interest. One of the most outrageous examples being the so called stimulus bill, otherwise known as the spending bill. While this bill does have some economic relief value, too much of it is pork. How does a disc golf course stimulate our economy? This is just one of many earmarks, or as our administration calls them- special projects , your hard earned tax dollars are paying for to supposedly stimulate the economy. Not only is this bill full of pork, it places an unprecedented financial burden on the very citizens who elected these men and women into office, and which will create further financial obligations for our children and grandchildren, many of which are not even born yet! As a result of our current administrations unchecked spending in the last couple of months they have managed to create for us, the taxpayer, more debt than all the other previous administrations. That is totally outrageous.
What is wrong with these people? Have they no sense of the magnitude of what they are doing to this country and to the generations to come? They claim it is for the benefit of our nation, if they did not expedite the spending bill quickly then we would be doomed. What rhetoric, how naive do they think we are. What is doomed is us, and all who follow for decades to come because of this astronomical debt they have created.
Perhaps they make decisions with their personal finances in a similar manner. I doubt it, but then again with the salaries we pay, them plus the other financial incentives they get from lobbyist and constituents, maybe they can afford to handle their own finances in such a reckless and irresponsible way.
I urge each of you to find out how your Congressional Representative and Senators voted on this and other bills and hold them accountable. Call, email, or write them and express how you feel about this. Express your outrage.
Also let them know we are here, are not going anywhere, and will share with everyone what they are doing, good or bad.
Will this help? If our system works as it was designed to it will. But then again, as we are all aware, our system is broke. Unfortunately, many of our elected officials conduct themselves as though they don't care about what the tax payers think, the very people who put them in office and pay their salaries. What an outrage.

In the future CPR will begin posting Congressional and Senate report cards for your use.

Remember- America is down and needs you, and CPR- Citizens for Political Reform

If you would like to learn more about CPR and helping to reform our corrupt political system please email me.

Thomas L

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