Saturday, April 18, 2009

Right Wing Extremist?

Do you consider yourself an extremist? If you are conservative, support the right to life, advocate a smaller federal government, or even believe in many of our Constitutional rights, then according to the Department of Homeland Security, you are a right wing extremist. As absurd as this may sound it is true. Even our veterans returning from Iraq are considered by the DHS to be prime candidates for recruitment from the right wing extremists. Could it be George Orwell's book 1984 was more prophetic rather than fictional? Seriously; Big Brother is watching ! This my friends is what big government is all about. It is literally a monster which will not stop feeding and growing until it achieves total control at the cost of our Constitutional rights. The report by the DHS was obviously politically motivated by the left, spurred by the planned April 15th Tax Day Tea Parties. The DHS has even reportedly gone as far as releasing directives to state and local law enforcement agencies to be on the look out for tell tale signs such as conservative bumper stickers proclaiming "Right to Life" and " Support of the 2ndAmendment". This is a total outrage! What happened to the Constitutional Rights of ALL citizens? Do these rights apply only to the liberals? If you recall only a few years ago illegal aliens staged protests all across the country without any consequences such as arrest. Yet we the conservative "legal" citizens of this country are now politically targeted by the federal government. I am beginning to feel like part of the the Jewish population in Nazi Germany or a Soviet dissident. However, we must not allow these scare tactics to intimidate or discourage us; if anything this is the true evidence that Obama and his administration are out of control. My fellow Americans, now is the time to rise up and be heard. We must immediately organize and ban together in opposition of this tyranny. Friends we cannot wait another day, for with the passing of each day they are growing closer to their objective, and we are moving further away from ours. For more information see the Washington Times article @
For information on reforming our corrupt political system contact Citizens for Political Reform @

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