Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama Ignorant of Van Jones Past, Politics, and Philosophies?

Just how stupid does Obama and the White House think the American people are? They must really think the citizens of this once great nation are in fact imbeciles. While we at CPR would agree that many of the folks who voted for Obama are lacking some common sense, they and we are not idiots!

Do they really expect us to believe that the President had no knowledge of the former Green Jobs Czar- Van Jones' tainted past, the philosophies he subscribes to, as well as his radical, communist views all of which are public knowledge?

Please tell us Mr President , you really don't believe we the people are that big of fools, do you?

Explain to us, help us to understand how this happened. How did one of your "Czars" ( Mr. Jones ) who is appointed and approved only by you, and answers to you alone can have a criminal background, be a self proclaimed communist, be an obvious racist, etc. Yet you sir, expect us to believe you did not know this?

Did not the First Lady openly praise Mr. Jones? Did she not say she just loves Van and what he stands for? Maybe your wife needs to also be better informed of those who she so strongly and publicly supports.

Another possibility is that both you and Michelle share the same political views and philosophies as Mr. Van Jones? Personally I believe this is in fact the case. Perhaps Van is like the so called " Reverend" Wright or Bill Ayers. But once again Barack, you did not know anything about Wright or Ayers radical views either, even though you attended Wright's church for twenty years and were buds with Bill Ayers.

Give us a break Obama! Do you really think we will go for you plausibly denying this? We may not all have such a prestigious post secondary education as you sir, but really, we are not idiots!
Furthermore, judging by the declining public support for you I would have to say even those of us without that Ivy League degree have got your number.

Do not mistake us for ignorant Jack Asses, and don't ever forget you work for us and "We The People" are watching you.

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