Saturday, September 12, 2009

Upcoming D.C. March

Hello my fellow Americans,

It is now Saturday September 12, 2009 and the March on D.C. is only a few hours away.

Hopefully hundreds of thousands of you will be participating in this march, making your voices heard in protest of the proposed healthcare bill as well as the overall budget busting, bankrupting, irresponsible spending spree that Obama, his administration, and the House and Senate are on.

Friday night I was speaking with one of my best friends and fellow conservatives about the march. My friend, who resides in Washington D.C., was sharing with me his concerns about the potential low attendence at the march. His concerns stem from the inadequet coverage of the upcoming rally by the conservative news giant Fox News, such leading TV and Talk Radio personalities as Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh, and even the GOP.

As I was writing this post I checked several of their websites and these were my findings;
Rush Limbough - No mention of the 9/12 march on his home page.
Sean Hannity - Nothing about the event.
Mark Levin - No mention of the march.
GOP - Not a single word about the rally.
Fox News - No mention on home page.
Glenn Beck - Thank You Glenn Beck- 9/12 march adressed five different times on his home page alone. We have found the one man who is sincere and passionate about his political views and saving this Nation.
Thanks Mr. Beck and God Bless You.

It would appear that for some unknown reason all of the afore mentioned, with the exception of Glenn Beck, do not view this march as note worthy.
Our question is: why not?

If these conservative icons are truly opposed to the healthcare reform bill and other wasteful spending then why have they not given the upcoming march even the slightest mention on their websites?

We at CPR would like to offer all of those mentioned, with the exception of Mr. Beck, the opportunity to answer this daunting question. Please explain to us why you have done this.

To everyone else, please help to make the 9/12 march a success by telling everyone about this very important event.

Friends, what type of message are we sending to D.C. if the attendence is low?

Believe me, if we have a poor turnout the liberal politicians and media will have a hay day. They will seize the opportunity to discredit us and further promote their radical agenda.



  2. This comment is presented in six parts; and part two begins with the next sentence.

    Considering that this is election time in America, and given the genuine concerns of many voters, the level of debate can be more vigorous at this time, in order to facilitate the ability to evaluate and scrutinize both motives, and policy implications.

    This is proven correct by some of the quotes of the American Patriots, who used their knowledge, their experience, and the fact that history repeats itself to warn the American People Not to stray from the Constitution.

    These American Patriots warned and predicted that self-serving greedy Traitors disguised as Patriots would arise, and that they would gain Political Office for the purpose of setting up a Military Dictatorship.

    It would be too easy, or more often, too convenient to scoffingly dismiss the genuine and legitimate concerns many people hold as being either wild speculation, propaganda, or even trolling.

    This is done by those who do Not have a valid counterargument, or by those who wish to conceal their revealed Conspiracy.

    We know there can be no 100% proof provided with some Carefully Concealed Conspiracies, but nevertheless, the Conspiracies are Real.

    Carefully Concealed Conspiracies are Not like a Court of Law, where proof beyond reasonable doubt must be supplied; because the Conspirators act in secret, and they can abandon their plan without being caught in the act if others become suspicious.

    The diabolical and insidious nature of the Equal Rights argument; is that it sometimes cannot be successfully argued against, until it is too late.

    It is true that we all equal on certain basic things, but that does Not make us equal on all things.

    Can a criminal be equal to law-abiding person, or can a hardworking person be equal to a deliberately lazy person?

    Should a person who does Not know how to read and write become a Teacher, because of Not wanting to discriminate, and can that person be said to be equal to a trained Teacher?

    Many of us believe that this same principle applies when it comes to some things that are said to be alternative lifestyles.

    Does the Government think of tax evaders as being an alternative lifestyle, and do the Government fight for the rights of these?

    Sadly, it all depends on how much Political Influence these alternative lifestyle tax evaders have.

    We all know that tax evaders are the alternative to paying an honest fair share of taxes; this unquestionably harms the Community, and this principle of harming the Community is true of some other alternative lifestyles, even though they are Not illegal.

    In addition to Known Facts, we have circumstantial evidence; which is evidence provided by Human Nature and History; and these can be used to determine the percentage likelihood of a Carefully Concealed Conspiracy theory being a correct evaluation.

    If Heterosexuals Soldiers have to be in an environment where there are many Homosexual Soldiers, then the bad influence will corrupt the Heterosexual soldiers over time.

    They will be subjected to having men married to each other who are kissing and holding hands in public possibly with adopted children that can be used to bribe Heterosexual Soldiers with Paedophilia.

    Black men have large penises, which are repulsive to the Non-Black Sodomites’ Anuses, and to the adopted children of the Non-black Sodomites, and so the future of Blacks, especially Black Males in America is bleak.

    It could be why ObamaCare was invented to kill those who are opposed to a Homosexual and Paedophile America while pretending to cure them, because the Dark and Lunatic Left want a Homosexual and Paedophile America.

  3. This comment is presented in six parts; and the part two begins with the next sentence.

    Considering that this is election time in America, and given the genuine concerns of many voters, the level of debate can be more vigorous at this time, in order to facilitate the ability to evaluate and scrutinize both motives, and policy implications.

    This is proven correct by some of the quotes of the American Patriots, who used their knowledge, their experience, and the fact that history repeats itself to warn the American People Not to stray from the Constitution.

    These American Patriots warned and predicted that self-serving greedy Traitors disguised as Patriots would arise, and that they would gain Political Office for the purpose of setting up a Military Dictatorship.

    It would be too easy, or more often, too convenient to scoffingly dismiss the genuine and legitimate concerns many people hold as being either wild speculation, propaganda, or even trolling.

    This is done by those who do Not have a valid counterargument, or by those who wish to conceal their revealed Conspiracy.

    We know there can be no 100% proof provided with some Carefully Concealed Conspiracies, but nevertheless, the Conspiracies are Real.

    Carefully Concealed Conspiracies are Not like a Court of Law, where proof beyond reasonable doubt must be supplied; because the Conspirators act in secret, and they can abandon their plan without being caught in the act if others become suspicious.

    The diabolical and insidious nature of the Equal Rights argument; is that it sometimes cannot be successfully argued against, until it is too late.

    It is true that we all equal on certain basic things, but that does Not make us equal on all things.

    Can a criminal be equal to law-abiding person, or can a hardworking person be equal to a deliberately lazy person?

    Should a person who does Not know how to read and write become a Teacher, because of Not wanting to discriminate, and can that person be said to be equal to a trained Teacher?

    Many of us believe that this same principle applies when it comes to some things that are said to be alternative lifestyles.

    Does the Government think of tax evaders as being an alternative lifestyle, and do the Government fight for the rights of these?

    Sadly, it all depends on how much Political Influence these alternative lifestyle tax evaders have.

    We all know that tax evaders are the alternative to paying an honest fair share of taxes; this unquestionably harms the Community, and this principle of harming the Community is true of some other alternative lifestyles, even though they are Not illegal.

    In addition to Known Facts, we have circumstantial evidence; which is evidence provided by Human Nature and History; and these can be used to determine the percentage likelihood of a Carefully Concealed Conspiracy theory being a correct evaluation.

    If Heterosexuals Soldiers have to be in an environment where there are many Homosexual Soldiers, then the bad influence will corrupt the Heterosexual soldiers over time.

    They will be subjected to having men married to each other who are kissing and holding hands in public possibly with adopted children that can be used to bribe Heterosexual Soldiers with Paedophilia.

    Black men have large penises, which are repulsive to the Non-Black Sodomites’ Anuses, and to the adopted children of the Non-black Sodomites, and so the future of Blacks, especially Black Males in America is bleak.

    It could be why ObamaCare was invented to kill those who are opposed to a Homosexual and Paedophile America while pretending to cure them, because the Dark and Lunatic Left want a Homosexual and Paedophile America.

  4. This comment is presented in six parts; and the part two begins with the next sentence.

    Considering that this is election time in America, and given the genuine concerns of many voters, the level of debate can be more vigorous at this time, in order to facilitate the ability to evaluate and scrutinize both motives, and policy implications.

    This is proven correct by some of the quotes of the American Patriots, who used their knowledge, their experience, and the fact that history repeats itself to warn the American People Not to stray from the Constitution.

    These American Patriots warned and predicted that self-serving greedy Traitors disguised as Patriots would arise, and that they would gain Political Office for the purpose of setting up a Military Dictatorship.

    It would be too easy, or more often, too convenient to scoffingly dismiss the genuine and legitimate concerns many people hold as being either wild speculation, propaganda, or even trolling.

    This is done by those who do Not have a valid counterargument, or by those who wish to conceal their revealed Conspiracy.

    We know there can be no 100% proof provided with some Carefully Concealed Conspiracies, but nevertheless, the Conspiracies are Real.

    Carefully Concealed Conspiracies are Not like a Court of Law, where proof beyond reasonable doubt must be supplied; because the Conspirators act in secret, and they can abandon their plan without being caught in the act if others become suspicious.

    The diabolical and insidious nature of the Equal Rights argument; is that it sometimes cannot be successfully argued against, until it is too late.

    It is true that we all equal on certain basic things, but that does Not make us equal on all things.

    Can a criminal be equal to law-abiding person, or can a hardworking person be equal to a deliberately lazy person?

    Should a person who does Not know how to read and write become a Teacher, because of Not wanting to discriminate, and can that person be said to be equal to a trained Teacher?

    Many of us believe that this same principle applies when it comes to some things that are said to be alternative lifestyles.

    Does the Government think of tax evaders as being an alternative lifestyle, and do the Government fight for the rights of these?

    Sadly, it all depends on how much Political Influence these alternative lifestyle tax evaders have.

    We all know that tax evaders are the alternative to paying an honest fair share of taxes; this unquestionably harms the Community, and this principle of harming the Community is true of some other alternative lifestyles, even though they are Not illegal.

    In addition to Known Facts, we have circumstantial evidence; which is evidence provided by Human Nature and History; and these can be used to determine the percentage likelihood of a Carefully Concealed Conspiracy theory being a correct evaluation.

    If Heterosexuals Soldiers have to be in an environment where there are many Homosexual Soldiers, then the bad influence will corrupt the Heterosexual soldiers over time.

    They will be subjected to having men married to each other who are kissing and holding hands in public possibly with adopted children that can be used to bribe Heterosexual Soldiers with Paedophilia.

    Black men have large penises, which are repulsive to the Non-Black Sodomites’ Anuses, and to the adopted children of the Non-black Sodomites, and so the future of Blacks, especially Black Males in America is bleak.

    It could be why ObamaCare was invented to kill those who are opposed to a Homosexual and Paedophile America while pretending to cure them, because the Dark and Lunatic Left want a Homosexual and Paedophile America.

  5. The Sweden Democrats as they are officially known, deny being Anti-Immigration; and it is their opponents who have successfully labelled them as the Anti-Immigration Party.

    There is the Politically Correct Lunatic Left who wish to destroy Democracy and impose their Dictatorship on their subjects who are saying that any Public Debate on the matter is Racist.

    In a totally mono-ethnic country, it could Never be said by Sane People that the law-Abiding Citizens are Racists because they do Not want crimes committed against them, their families, and their friends by people of their own race.

    In a totally mono-ethnic country, it could Never be said by Sane People that the law-Abiding Citizens are Racists because they do Not want a Fifth Column in their country, even though the Fifth Column is made up completely of people of their own race.

    It is only the Dark and Lunatic Left, who either pretend to suffer from Mental Sickness, or who are Undemocratic, and those who the Dark and Lunatic Left can manipulate and deceive who would say such things.

    According to the Lunatic Left, if the Criminals and Fifth Columnists are of a different Race, or are Migrants, then this is a good thing, and people should Welcome Violence against themselves, and Welcome A Fifth Column in their country.

    According to the Lunatic Left; any Opposition to this perverted way of thinking is because of; Yes Wait For It; Yes You Guessed It; RACISM.

    If we are to be honest, we need to see that there are certain places where immigration has been a disaster; and Albanian immigration to Serbia’s Province of Kosovo is a perfect example.

    There is nothing Racist in wanting to be protected from Criminals, and in Not wanting a Fifth Column in your country as Albanians are in Serbia, Kosovo, FYROM, Montenegro, and Greece.

    Of those places mentioned, the Albanian Fifth Column is At This Time, most evident in Serbia, and this is why the Kosovo Albanians are being offered Autonomy.

    All Democracies that have recognized Kosovo Albanians UDI are spitting in the faces of, and defecating on the graves of their soldiers who died fighting against German Nazism, and who fought for Freedom and Democracy.

    There are many Americans who know that the entire Kosovo affair is really an immigration gone wrong matter.

    They do Not want to be hones, and so they slander the Serbian people, but Kosovo is a story of Immigration Policy.

  6. It is vital to send a copy of this document to as many American Voters as possible.

    It would be good to share these videos with others and add them to the comment I made concerning the Dark and Lunatic Left.

    I provided the titles of the videos, because those who have a vested interest in concealing this evidence in partnership with Internet Providers, could easily try to make me look liar or a deviant, by changing the video location that is referred to in this comment.

    I provide the title of the video made by a famous American, because those who do Not like it in partnership with Internet Providers may try to make me look liar or a deviant, by changing the video that is referred to in this comment.

    An example of the short video film is giving at History of Kosovo video clip at:

    Other examples of the short video films are giving at NATO's Illegal War Against Serbia/ Lies About Kosovo War1/1 at: , and NATO’s Illegal War Against Serbia/ Lies About Kosovo War 2/2 at:

    It would be good to inform others how the Clintons are the Authors of the Conspiracy of Great Lies and of Great Injustices against the Serbian People.

    The video clip Joe Biden Compares the Serbs with Nazis can be viewed on the internet at:

    American Vice President Joseph Biden who is a Clintonite with full knowledge of the Clintons evil doings managed to Not even say one truthful thing in this video clip.

    This should awaken us as to the Real Character of the Dark and Lunatic Left.

    The vital thing for American Citizens is to free themselves from the Dark and Lunatic Left.

  7. The Republican Party in America has won the House, but they have Not won the Senate.

    It was always going to be difficult for the Republicans to win the Senate from that position, they may be glad that they did Not win a Majority in the Senate this time.

    If the Republicans won the Senate, then they know that the issue of maintaining balance in Government might favour the Democrat Candidate for President in the 2012 Presidential Election.

    As it is now, the Republicans only have the House, and they could win the Senate and the Presidency, and hold onto the House at the next Election.

    The first thing I want to say is that I do Not know of any provable offence against President Barack Obama that could be used in any hypothetical impeachment hearings.

    I strongly suspect that Hillary Clinton is the Real President of America, but that cannot be proven in any impeachment hearings, and it is unlikely that there will be a confession.

    We know that the House has a Republican Majority, and they could hold an impeachment hearing on President Barack Obama if it was justifiable.

    This is where the advantage of Not having a Senate Majority is; because, the Republicans would need Democrat Senators to impeach President Barack Obama.

    It could be that the Clintons may slander President Barack Obama, and that the slander would constitute the basis for an impeachment hearing against President Barack Obama.

    The purpose would be to enable Hillary Clinton to win the Primaries, and gain the Democratic Nomination for the next Presidential Election.

    If Hillary Clinton becomes Vice President to Barack Obama, then this makes it possible for Hillary Clinton to become President, if Barack Obama retires, or is impeached in his the second term of his Presidency.

    Americans, especially those in Government, should realize that it was Regulated Free Market Economic Policies that creates employment, and that Regulated Free Market Economic Policies made America a prosperous nation.

  8. This comment presents reasons why we should Not be racist, and if others display racism against us, we can cope better with that situation.

    Racist views are wrong, and people should understand that we are all human regardless of our race.

    Even though racist views are wrong, just like any other sin is wrong, there will be some people from racist organizations who will continue to hold on to their racist views.

    These are facts, and A Perfect Example of this the Albanians of the Balkans who have had deep ingrained publicly announced racism since their 1878 League of Prizren Declaration, that they would not live with any other race.

    I mentioned that because I do not want people to be naive and gullible on this matter, even as there are many gullible people who are deceived by the carefully orchestrated lie of evolution.

    “For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth, but have delighted in wickedness (2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12).

    Even if others try to fan the embers of racism, all Christians will rightly be 100% against racism.

    It honestly does not matter in the slightest how other people wrongfully think of you as a person because of your race.

    This is because the only thing that really matters to you is what God thinks of you as an individual.

    I want people to be certain that God loves us all equally, regardless of our race or colour, and that we are all precious to Him.

    “Peter opened his mouth and said, truly I perceive that God does not show favouritism; but in every nation he or she who fears Him, and works righteousness is acceptable to Him” (Acts 10:34, 35).

    God showed His great love for humans by creating our once perfect first parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17:26).

    We have read how Adam was created in God’s likeness, because God is perfect, and Adam was created perfect.

    We know that Adam became a sinner because he disobeyed God, and we then read that Seth came to be in Adam’s likeness, which means that Seth was a sinner, because he inherited sin from Adam.

    “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned” (Romans 5:12).

    Our Creator further showed His great love for us by coming to our rescue after the rebellion of our first parents Adam and Eve to whom we are all related.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    “The payment for sin is death, but the gift that God freely gives is everlasting life found in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

    Another example of God’s great love for humans is His promise to bring the dead back to life” (John 5:25-29).

    “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead” (Acts 17:30, 31).

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    “Behold, I (Jesus) am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:12).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God, because Jesus will come one day to judge all the people of the world.

  9. There were fewer and fewer people on the earth the further back in time we go, and we do come back very quickly to the first 2 people.

    The first man could not have been his own father; and the first woman could not have been her own mother. This is why I believe that God Created the first 2 people.

    Do you really think that the first man could have made himself by chance without even knowing what the first woman would be like biologically? Do you really think that at the same time the first woman could have made herself by chance without even knowing what the first man would be like biologically? Do you really think that could become biologically compatible to each other by chance? It could never happen by chance; it was deliberately designed and Created by God!

    The first 2 people were brown people who had all the genetic information to become any colour. That one race of brown people had the genetic information to become black, or white, or any colour, or to stay brown. With time, many new races have appeared, and some races have become extinct. Physical differences began increasing, and as a result, we now have all the many different races today.

    Every race has similar features because they began as a small group of people, and then increased in numbers. Different races did not begin as billions of people and then decreased in numbers. The smallest group needed is 2 people; one man and one woman. Black people did not come from black monkeys, yellow people did not come from yellow monkeys, and white people did not come from white monkeys. All the evidence proves the Bible is correct in saying that we all came from 2 Created people.

    If hypothetically, the first male that appeared on earth was a horse, and the first female that that appeared on earth was a cow, then that would have been of no use, even if it occurred on the same acre of land.

    The same is true of male plants and female plants of different categories.

    The evolutionists say that plants turned into animals by a series of numerous mutations, and then apes or some or animal turn into humans by a series of numerous mutations.

    Plants do not have a repository or blood system, and plants could not go that way because they would not survive to mythically evolve into animals.

    Moreover, the DNA of plants would not allow such stupidity in the first place, because plant vegetables are more intelligent and honest that the vegetables who are a disgrace to the human race, and call themselves ‘Professors’ of Evolution.

    I found the next paragraph on the internet, and we can see what happens when DNA changes even ever so slightly.

    Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells. This is what causes the complications of sickle cell disease.

    Humans have 46 chromosomes, and apes have 48 chromosomes, and other creatures have even more than 48 chromosomes.

    Humans could never come from apes or any other animal, because if DNA is slightly changed, the animal cannot survive, because of wrong DNA.

    Monkeys and other animals do not have hospitals to put those with damaged DNA for millions of years in the hope that they might one day become humans, even if they could think in those terms.

    Evolutionists say that the first organism that happened by chance was asexual, because this is better adapted for survival.

    Then why would that fit for survival asexual organism, and how could an asexual organism become two sexes by chance?

    I know that the evolutionists have already thought of these lies that it was natural selection, which in that context means that it is a lie.

    I know that these evolutionists who are a disgrace to the humanity sit around all day in groups thinking on how to invent lies to deceive people, because this makes the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons happy to deceive people.

    The story of one human male (Adam) and of one human female (Eve), being Created by God in the same locality (Garden of Eden) is a true story.

  10. I know that the invisible demons who are powerful make sure that at least one invisible demon follows me where I go.

    They do this because they tell each other, and they tell the Anglo-American Politicians what I say.

    I can know what they say to me by the riddles in the news items that I recognize, and I will Not say that I hear voices of the invisible demons in my head telling me things like they do to Secret Devil Worshippers.

    I have Not read my Bible this month, because I impression I received from the invisible demons was if I read my Bible, then they would have General Ratko Mladic or that other guy arrested; however, I will be reading this month.

    I told the invisible demons that once I read my Bible this month, then I strongly suspect that they would get Tadic and company to pray to Satan to have General Ratko Mladic or the other guy captured.

    This entire thing is staged, and we know that Tadic and company, Ratko Mladic and the other wanted guy are puppets of the invisible demons.

    “They arrived in the territory of the Gerasenes on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As Jesus stepped out of the boat, a man came out of the tombs and met him. The man was controlled by an evil spirit and lived among the tombs. No one could restrain him any longer, not even with a chain. He had often been chained hand and foot. However, he snapped the chains off his hands and broke the chains from his feet. No one could control him. Night and day he was among the tombs and on the mountainsides screaming and cutting himself with stones. The man saw Jesus at a distance. So he ran [to Jesus], bowed down in front of him, and shouted, "Why are you bothering me now, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me." He shouted this because Jesus said, "You evil spirit, come out of the man." Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" He told Jesus, "My name is Legion [Six Thousand], because there are many of us." He begged Jesus not to send them out of the territory” (Mark 5:1-10).

    The invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons hate me reading the Bible.

    We all know that this entire thing is staged, because General Ratko Mladic and the other guy could have gone to Montenegro or Bulgaria, and had a current newspaper of him on a prominent landmark to prove that Serbia is innocent to get the SAA money.

    This entire thing is staged, and we know that Tadic and company, Ratko Mladic and the other wanted guy are puppets of the invisible demons.

    I know that once I read my Bible this month, then Tadic and company will pray to Satan to have torture General Ratko Mladic or the other guy in the invisible realm to surrender.

    It could be made to look like it was good police work, but the police will have to lie if they do Not want to be tortured in the invisible realm.

    God has allowed the invisible demons to torture me on a few occasions, and I can assure you that it is very painful, and doubters simply Do Not Know what They Are Saying.

    I told the invisible demons that I would not read my Bible beginning on November 1st, but that I would read it in November.

    I did this because I wanted to write this comment where the invisible demons could Not lie their way out it.

    “It does no good to spread a net within the sight of any bird” (Proverbs 1:17).

    If it does Not happen the way I suspect but cannot prove, then it because the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons believe that more people will be deceived.

    The Bible says that Jesus is coming back to judge the earth, and that no human can prevent that.

    Even as the entire human race cannot stop the world from rotating on its axis; the entire human race cannot prevent the inevitable Coming of Christ.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God, because Jesus will come soon to judge all the people of the world.

  11. I know that the invisible demons who are powerful make sure that at least one invisible demon follows me where I go.

    They do this because they tell each other, and they tell the Anglo-American Politicians what I say.

    I can know what they say to me by the riddles in the news items that I recognize, and I will Not say that I hear voices of the invisible demons in my head telling me things like they do to Secret Devil Worshippers.

    I have Not read my Bible this month, because I impression I received from the invisible demons was if I read my Bible, then they would have General Ratko Mladic or that other guy arrested; however, I will be reading this month.

    I told the invisible demons that once I read my Bible this month, then I strongly suspect that they would get Tadic and company to pray to Satan to have General Ratko Mladic or the other guy captured.

    This entire thing is staged, and we know that Tadic and company, Ratko Mladic and the other wanted guy are puppets of the invisible demons.

    “They arrived in the territory of the Gerasenes on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As Jesus stepped out of the boat, a man came out of the tombs and met him. The man was controlled by an evil spirit and lived among the tombs. No one could restrain him any longer, not even with a chain. He had often been chained hand and foot. However, he snapped the chains off his hands and broke the chains from his feet. No one could control him. Night and day he was among the tombs and on the mountainsides screaming and cutting himself with stones. The man saw Jesus at a distance. So he ran [to Jesus], bowed down in front of him, and shouted, "Why are you bothering me now, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me." He shouted this because Jesus said, "You evil spirit, come out of the man." Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" He told Jesus, "My name is Legion [Six Thousand], because there are many of us." He begged Jesus not to send them out of the territory” (Mark 5:1-10).

    The invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons hate me reading the Bible.

    We all know that this entire thing is staged, because General Ratko Mladic and the other guy could have gone to Montenegro or Bulgaria, and had a current newspaper of him on a prominent landmark to prove that Serbia is innocent to get the SAA money.

    This entire thing is staged, and we know that Tadic and company, Ratko Mladic and the other wanted guy are puppets of the invisible demons.

    I know that once I read my Bible this month, then Tadic and company will pray to Satan to have torture General Ratko Mladic or the other guy in the invisible realm to surrender.

    It could be made to look like it was good police work, but the police will have to lie if they do Not want to be tortured in the invisible realm.

    God has allowed the invisible demons to torture me on a few occasions, and I can assure you that it is very painful, and doubters simply Do Not Know what They Are Saying.

    I told the invisible demons that I would not read my Bible beginning on November 1st, but that I would read it in November.

    I did this because I wanted to write this comment where the invisible demons could Not lie their way out it.

    “It does no good to spread a net within the sight of any bird” (Proverbs 1:17).

    If it does Not happen the way I suspect but cannot prove, then it because the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons believe that more people will be deceived.

    The Bible says that Jesus is coming back to judge the earth, and that no human can prevent that.

    Even as the entire human race cannot stop the world from rotating on its axis; the entire human race cannot prevent the inevitable Coming of Christ.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God, because Jesus will come soon to judge all the people of the world.

  12. There has been a considerable amount of conversation concerning the founder of WikiLeaks and his public information website.

    I want to say that even though we have received information from WikiLeaks website, it will take time to sift the facts from the fiction, because even some Diplomats can make the wrong assessment at times.

    There are American citizens who think that he is a traitor, and others who think that he is a hero, and yet others who think that he is just an ordinary person committed to a better world.

    A Loyal American Citizen Wrote: “More than 3 million US government personnel and soldiers, many extremely junior, are cleared to have potential access to this material, even though the cables contain the identities of foreign informants, often sensitive contacts in dictatorial regimes. Some are marked “protect” or “strictly protect”. To me that’s a phenomenal revelation. If, like me, you were wondering how an ordinary Private had access to this sort of information, now you know. Had I been aware of the number who had potential access to these files, I’d have said it isn’t a matter of “if” but “when” a leak would occur. Allowing that amount of access to information marked “Secret” and “NoForn”, short for “no foreign dissemination”, as well as the names of highly sensitive sources and contacts is an intelligence disaster waiting to happen”.

    We can see that is was the American Government either through, Incompetence, Complacency, or Design that created this situation in the first place.

    Such a situation has the potential to tempt some otherwise loyal American Citizens to sell information to foreign Governments, and to be recruited as spies for foreign Governments while at the same time receiving payment as an American Public Servant.

    It could be argued that the WikiLeaks website may have in fact have done America a favour by preventing a new wave of potential spies or even spies.

    It is a natural reaction to try to shift the blame away from ourselves on to others.

    It appears that America is blaming the victim, and making a person who is truly serving the American long term interest the convenient scapegoat for the negligence of those who should have been following proper procedures; or for whose task it was to formulate those proper procedures.

    Many people are greatly distressed over this regrettable incident, because they see an innocent person who is being persecuted and slandered as a deviant, just because he wants a better world.

    There is no need to guess that the Dictators of Britain, America, and the Nazis of Europe will use the instruments of the State to cover up their scheming, their injustices, and their criminality.

    Their instruments are bad; and they have up till now resorted to slander, denial of internet services, consideration of false charges, and making the public think of founder of WikiLeaks as a traitor to be hated and denied his legitimate Rights to pursue happiness, because the American Dictators are motivated by malice.

    This situation appears to have been a deliberately engineered conspiracy so that it will become difficult for Americans to continue to enjoy freedom and justice in America.

    This illegal action of censoring Free Speech, the Cornerstone of the American Constitution, is despised by the Dictators of America, and the consequences will be less Human Rights and the total contempt for Rule of Law in order to set up a Military Dictatorship in America.

    It would not surprise me in the least to discover that the American Dictators set this entire situation up as a pretext to set up a Military Dictatorship in America.

    They correctly knew that the founder of WikiLeaks would do his Public Duty and prevent American Citizens from being recruited as spies against America.

    This entire unfortunate state of affairs could have been prevented if the elected Representatives of the American people had respected the American Constitution.
