Saturday, September 12, 2009

Upcoming D.C. March

Hello my fellow Americans,

It is now Saturday September 12, 2009 and the March on D.C. is only a few hours away.

Hopefully hundreds of thousands of you will be participating in this march, making your voices heard in protest of the proposed healthcare bill as well as the overall budget busting, bankrupting, irresponsible spending spree that Obama, his administration, and the House and Senate are on.

Friday night I was speaking with one of my best friends and fellow conservatives about the march. My friend, who resides in Washington D.C., was sharing with me his concerns about the potential low attendence at the march. His concerns stem from the inadequet coverage of the upcoming rally by the conservative news giant Fox News, such leading TV and Talk Radio personalities as Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh, and even the GOP.

As I was writing this post I checked several of their websites and these were my findings;
Rush Limbough - No mention of the 9/12 march on his home page.
Sean Hannity - Nothing about the event.
Mark Levin - No mention of the march.
GOP - Not a single word about the rally.
Fox News - No mention on home page.
Glenn Beck - Thank You Glenn Beck- 9/12 march adressed five different times on his home page alone. We have found the one man who is sincere and passionate about his political views and saving this Nation.
Thanks Mr. Beck and God Bless You.

It would appear that for some unknown reason all of the afore mentioned, with the exception of Glenn Beck, do not view this march as note worthy.
Our question is: why not?

If these conservative icons are truly opposed to the healthcare reform bill and other wasteful spending then why have they not given the upcoming march even the slightest mention on their websites?

We at CPR would like to offer all of those mentioned, with the exception of Mr. Beck, the opportunity to answer this daunting question. Please explain to us why you have done this.

To everyone else, please help to make the 9/12 march a success by telling everyone about this very important event.

Friends, what type of message are we sending to D.C. if the attendence is low?

Believe me, if we have a poor turnout the liberal politicians and media will have a hay day. They will seize the opportunity to discredit us and further promote their radical agenda.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/12/09 Washington D.C. Protest March

Hello again America,

We are hoping many, if not all of you will be able to participate in the march on Washington, DC - Saturday September 12, 2009.

The event will actually kickoff today, Thursday 9.10.09, and run through Saturday 9.12.09.

For a schedule of the scheduled events visit the 9.12.09 March on Washington Website at:

This is a very important event, so please attend and let your voices be heard.

Thank You and God Bless,

Thomas Lindsay
Citizens for Political Reform

Remember America is down and needs CPR.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama Ignorant of Van Jones Past, Politics, and Philosophies?

Just how stupid does Obama and the White House think the American people are? They must really think the citizens of this once great nation are in fact imbeciles. While we at CPR would agree that many of the folks who voted for Obama are lacking some common sense, they and we are not idiots!

Do they really expect us to believe that the President had no knowledge of the former Green Jobs Czar- Van Jones' tainted past, the philosophies he subscribes to, as well as his radical, communist views all of which are public knowledge?

Please tell us Mr President , you really don't believe we the people are that big of fools, do you?

Explain to us, help us to understand how this happened. How did one of your "Czars" ( Mr. Jones ) who is appointed and approved only by you, and answers to you alone can have a criminal background, be a self proclaimed communist, be an obvious racist, etc. Yet you sir, expect us to believe you did not know this?

Did not the First Lady openly praise Mr. Jones? Did she not say she just loves Van and what he stands for? Maybe your wife needs to also be better informed of those who she so strongly and publicly supports.

Another possibility is that both you and Michelle share the same political views and philosophies as Mr. Van Jones? Personally I believe this is in fact the case. Perhaps Van is like the so called " Reverend" Wright or Bill Ayers. But once again Barack, you did not know anything about Wright or Ayers radical views either, even though you attended Wright's church for twenty years and were buds with Bill Ayers.

Give us a break Obama! Do you really think we will go for you plausibly denying this? We may not all have such a prestigious post secondary education as you sir, but really, we are not idiots!
Furthermore, judging by the declining public support for you I would have to say even those of us without that Ivy League degree have got your number.

Do not mistake us for ignorant Jack Asses, and don't ever forget you work for us and "We The People" are watching you.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

9.12.09 March on Washington

Hello America,

In case you have not heard there will be a march on Washington, DC - Saturday September 12, 2009.

The event will actually kickoff on Thursday 9.10.09 and run through Saturday 9.12.09.

For the full schedule of events visit the 9.12.09 March on Washington Website at:

This is a very important event, so if at all possible please attend and let your voices be heard.

We at Citizens for Political Reform would like to thank all those whose hard work and dedication have made this event possible.

Thank You and God Bless,

Thomas Lindsay
Citizens for Political Reform

Remember America is down and needs CPR.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


On April 6 of this year I published a post on the Citizens for Political Reform Blog titled Spend, Spend, Spend! which examined and criticized Obama’s unprecedented spending spree. Well here we are three and a half months later and he has not yet slowed the pace of spending. I am telling you America, Obama has created a financial catastrophy which we will not fully recover from for generations to come, if at all.

I fear that our once great nation is well on it’s way to being lost forever. What differentiated the United States from the other powers of this world, what made us the greatest nation on the planet, is all going by the wayside for radical left wing extermeist agendas. Yes I am saying Obama is a radical, he is an extremist, and he is obviously an ultra left wingest. Obama is hell bent and determined to transform this nation into a socialist, communist, fascist, dictatorship. Mark my words people, and I shared this with my closest friends and associates months ago, Obama and his minions will seek to elliminate the Presidential term limits in the belief that he will reign indefinately.

Some of you may believe, or at least hope, that he will not be elected to a second term, but I would put money on him winning again, and I would bet big money! How, you may ask, can I be so certain of his second term? First of all let me say, at the risk of being labeled a conspiracy theorist, that Obama was being groomed for the Presidency many years ago by the real powers that be, by the global and international players who have been controlling the fate of all of us for many generations . I am referring to the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderburg Group. Most people have never heard of these global super players, but believe me they do exist and are second only to God himself in international power and control.

If you doubt what I am saying about this shadow power then Google them and research it for yourself. In fact I recommend you do that for everything, do not take my word for it or anyone elses. Verify what you read and hear. That is part of our countries problem today, most Americans take what they read on the net or in a paper, see on television, or hear on the radio as being the gospel truth. Folks, that is just not the case. The majority of the news and information being published or broadcast has an extreme liberal spin on it, or is out right lies. Unfortunately our citizens are so involved in their daily routines and activities they just go with the flow, believeing all that they read and hear just like cattle being led to slaughter. And so here we are as a result, with the once most radically left Senator now as our President; Leading our country right into hell.

Obama and his administration is using the economic situation to propagate his liberal Marxist ideas and agenda. Do you really believe they are trying to better America with trillions of dollars in spending. With the bailouts and resulting government control of our banking, financial, and now American automotive industries. Or how about government controlled health care, where they will be able to dictate who gets what level of care and when ? It is all about seizing control and eliminating our God given Constitutional rights!

WAKE UP AMERICA! Get out of your self absorbed state and start looking at what is really happening to our country. Start boldly questioning what the mass media and politicians are feeding you.

Start questioning what this out of control government is doing to this country and all of our futures. The damage which Obama has already done will take generations to repair. It is however not too late to stop further damage.

Take a stand America! Stop being politically correct. Don’t be afraid of not being accepted by the people who support this radical administration, speak up, help to open their eyes to the truth about Obama and his destructive agenda.

What if our founding fathers feared being unpopular with the Parlimant of Great Britain? Where would we be today? We would be living in a British Colony.

America; if we continue down the current path that Obama and his radical administration is leading us on then we will very likely soon be known as the United Socialist States of Amerika!


Thomas Lindsay
Citizens for Political Reform

AMERICA IS DOWN AND NEEDS “CPR”For information on reforming our corrupt political system contact Citizens for Political Reform @

AMERICA IS DOWN AND NEEDS “CPR”For information on reforming our corrupt political system contact Citizens for Political Reform @

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Right Wing Extremist?

Do you consider yourself an extremist? If you are conservative, support the right to life, advocate a smaller federal government, or even believe in many of our Constitutional rights, then according to the Department of Homeland Security, you are a right wing extremist. As absurd as this may sound it is true. Even our veterans returning from Iraq are considered by the DHS to be prime candidates for recruitment from the right wing extremists. Could it be George Orwell's book 1984 was more prophetic rather than fictional? Seriously; Big Brother is watching ! This my friends is what big government is all about. It is literally a monster which will not stop feeding and growing until it achieves total control at the cost of our Constitutional rights. The report by the DHS was obviously politically motivated by the left, spurred by the planned April 15th Tax Day Tea Parties. The DHS has even reportedly gone as far as releasing directives to state and local law enforcement agencies to be on the look out for tell tale signs such as conservative bumper stickers proclaiming "Right to Life" and " Support of the 2ndAmendment". This is a total outrage! What happened to the Constitutional Rights of ALL citizens? Do these rights apply only to the liberals? If you recall only a few years ago illegal aliens staged protests all across the country without any consequences such as arrest. Yet we the conservative "legal" citizens of this country are now politically targeted by the federal government. I am beginning to feel like part of the the Jewish population in Nazi Germany or a Soviet dissident. However, we must not allow these scare tactics to intimidate or discourage us; if anything this is the true evidence that Obama and his administration are out of control. My fellow Americans, now is the time to rise up and be heard. We must immediately organize and ban together in opposition of this tyranny. Friends we cannot wait another day, for with the passing of each day they are growing closer to their objective, and we are moving further away from ours. For more information see the Washington Times article @
For information on reforming our corrupt political system contact Citizens for Political Reform @

Don't Appologize For Me!

It is a sad day America, when our President is appologizing to the rest of the world for what we have done. That is at least how I feel as do many other Americans. During President Obamas first international trip the agenda appeared to be apologizing for the U.S. instead of promoting the strengths of our great nation. Obama worked harder at making friends rather than instilling confidence in the United States. Mr. Obama evidently lives in a much different world than I and many Americans do. I feel no need to apologize to any one for what the U.S. has done. If it were not for our great nation, the world as we know it would be dramatically different. If not for our country's help during the Second World War, Europe would likely be known as Nazi Germany. If it were not for the United States how much of the world would currently be part of the Soviet Union? If not for the blood shed and lives given by our fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters in Iraq and Afghanistan, how many more innocent Muslims would be dead? Oh no Mr. President, how dare you apologize for the United States! If anything ,the rest of the world should be thanking us for the sacrifices our nation has made to ensure their freedom. President Obama said the United States had been arrogant. Arrogant Mr. President? I think not sir. No the not arrogant, George Bush was not arrogant, we the people of this great nation are not arrogant. What we are is grounded in the principles which made this nation great and made the world a better place to live in. What country has had more technological advances or more medical advances?What country contributes more world wide in foreign aid? Arrogant; President Obama you and your corrupt self serving administration need to take a hard and honest look at yourselves, sir.
Thomas L.
Citizens for Political Reform


It appears the Obama Administration, as well as most of the House and Senate are on an unprecedented spending spree. While we at CPR certainly appreciate efforts to jump start the ailing economy, it is highly improbable that by spending TRILLIONS of dollars on mostly pork that we will see any significant improvement any time soon. I am still waiting for someone to explain to me, and everyone else, how a disc golf course will stimulate the economy. This of course being only one of many ” special projects” included in the spending, I mean stimulus package. Mr President, please tell us sir, how does all this spending help our economy? Oh, that’s right, you are an ultra liberal, or lets call it as it really is; SOCIALIST! I cannot help but have a feeling of impending doom as the Socialist French, and Communist Chinese lecture us on how we are screwing up by going down the road to Socialism. Why even the president of the European Union said President Obama is leading the U.S. into hell! But we cannot blame only the Democrats for this, our so called Conservative party, the Republicans, had 40% of the almost 9,000 earmarks in the Omnibus Bill. Shame on you counterfeit conservatives. Just remember you corrupt scoundrels, the next election is in less than two years. I sincerely hope and pray that the good citizens of this country will vote you crooks out of office. Everyone needs to read the Stimulus Bill and Omnibus Bill to fully appreciate how we the people are being robbed and raped by our self serving Representatives and Senators. Someone please explain why we the taxpayers have to tighten our belts and yet our government, who essentially got us into this mess, is not? Why is it that millions of Americans are no longer eating out, going to movies, or spending as they once could? Meanwhile the elite in Washington are setting records for spending? Why at the current rate will Obama spend more of our hard earned money than all the previous administrations combined? That’s right from George Washington through George W. Bush! Wow, that’s a lot of spending. Is it just just me, or does it seem that someone would literally have to be hell bent on spending to achieve such a notorious legacy? At any rate, our government is out of control and we the people need to intervene before it is too late. The next elections are in November 2010. My fellow citizens, we must change the direction that our great nation is heading in. We must have men and women of character running for office. We must have people of integrity, leaders who have the best interest of our country and the citizens first and foremost in mind, not politically motivated narcissists. Where do we find such people? Maybe it is you, your friend or your neighbor. Seriously, we need to get patriotic citizens with common sense involved. No more jackass, corrupt politicians. Think about it, who do you know. I guarantee someone will come to mind. Get involved; change forever the future of our nation in a positive way!
Thomas L.
Citizens for Political Reform

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Our great nation declared it's independence from the British following increasing taxation without representation and the resulting frustration of the colonies.
The Declaration of Independence created the opportunity for the colonist to create a new, just country in which to live free and pursue happiness.
When our founding fathers set forth to pen the Constitution much blood, sweat and tears went into this, one of the greatest documents ever written by man.
For the authors knew this was not a trivial matter to be taken lightly, this document would impact generations to come and set the standards of liberty for all others in the world to follow and strive for.
I find it utterly repulsive how our government officials today have the opposite attitude of our forefathers and can sign into law bills which they have not even read and serve their political agendas instead of the peoples best interest. One of the most outrageous examples being the so called stimulus bill, otherwise known as the spending bill. While this bill does have some economic relief value, too much of it is pork. How does a disc golf course stimulate our economy? This is just one of many earmarks, or as our administration calls them- special projects , your hard earned tax dollars are paying for to supposedly stimulate the economy. Not only is this bill full of pork, it places an unprecedented financial burden on the very citizens who elected these men and women into office, and which will create further financial obligations for our children and grandchildren, many of which are not even born yet! As a result of our current administrations unchecked spending in the last couple of months they have managed to create for us, the taxpayer, more debt than all the other previous administrations. That is totally outrageous.
What is wrong with these people? Have they no sense of the magnitude of what they are doing to this country and to the generations to come? They claim it is for the benefit of our nation, if they did not expedite the spending bill quickly then we would be doomed. What rhetoric, how naive do they think we are. What is doomed is us, and all who follow for decades to come because of this astronomical debt they have created.
Perhaps they make decisions with their personal finances in a similar manner. I doubt it, but then again with the salaries we pay, them plus the other financial incentives they get from lobbyist and constituents, maybe they can afford to handle their own finances in such a reckless and irresponsible way.
I urge each of you to find out how your Congressional Representative and Senators voted on this and other bills and hold them accountable. Call, email, or write them and express how you feel about this. Express your outrage.
Also let them know we are here, are not going anywhere, and will share with everyone what they are doing, good or bad.
Will this help? If our system works as it was designed to it will. But then again, as we are all aware, our system is broke. Unfortunately, many of our elected officials conduct themselves as though they don't care about what the tax payers think, the very people who put them in office and pay their salaries. What an outrage.

In the future CPR will begin posting Congressional and Senate report cards for your use.

Remember- America is down and needs you, and CPR- Citizens for Political Reform

If you would like to learn more about CPR and helping to reform our corrupt political system please email me.

Thomas L